Understanding conditions that impact on feeding habits

Even with the best nutrition and care, many infants have conditions or needs that may impact on their everyday feeding habits during the early years of life. Find out more about the possible causes and tips on how to manage.

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Reflux happens when a baby’s stomach contents escape back up into their oesophagus (food pipe) and into their mouth. Reflux usually happens soon after a feed, and can cause babies to “spit up” milk or vomit.

Colic is a term used to describe excessive, uncontrollable crying or fussing in babies who are otherwise healthy and well fed.

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Formula fed babies are more prone to constipation, which may cause painful bowel movements and distress.

Cow’s milk protein allergy is a common food allergy in babies, and can cause varied symptoms including rash, digestive problems, and a failure to thrive.

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Babies who wake often due to hunger are often grumpy and tired, and may be at risk of overfeeding and excessive weight gain.



Every child's development and needs are different, especially when it comes to conditions that may impact on their everyday feeding habits. We are here to support you.

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Is it an infant feeding condition?

Learn about the symptoms of common infant feeding conditions.